Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Apa itu sungai ???? apa hubungannya dengan perkebunan sawit????

Oleh :  Idung Risdiyanto

Tulisan ini dibuat untuk memberikan sedikit sumbangan informasi dan pemikiran pada saat kita menilai sungai di dalam perkebunan sawit.  Tulisan ini akan dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu tentang pengertian sungai  dan hubungannya dengan perkebunan sawit. (download selengkapnya)

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Application and Modelling of Weather Monitoring based on Satellite Data (Draft)

by Idung Risdiyanto

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Review of Atmosphere Dynamic and Thermodynamic
Chapter 3 : Review of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing
Chapter 4 : Model Design of Weather Monitoring Model
Chapter 5 : Model Output of Weather Monitoring Model
Chapter 6 : Graphical User Interface of Model

Chapter 6 : Graphical User Interface of Model (Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risdiyanto

The graphical user interface (GUI) was build as a packet software application.  It was written in Visual Basic 6.0 and was supporting some library file and activeX from other software. In this GUI, there are four major tasks that have to be handled. The first task is file management, second task is global data presenting, third task is Indonesia data presenting and the last one is description about this software and model.  Each of tasks was presenting as menu of the application software and has the some sub-menu.

Chapter 5: Model Output (Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risdiyanto

Output of model could be divided based on module which was created in model design.  Each of weather element data would be layout as map, graph and table.  The map represent for all area, whereas, graph and table represent separate of all data appropriate with selecting area.  Based on all output format data, could be describing the weather conditions. 
Actually, the model was design to run real time.  But, for this research has the limitation of data source for inputting model, so, to analysis of the result model would be used available data which was provided by internet.  To make easier for analysis, would used two dataset source as input, then both are data would be comprised. The dates of both data are December-02-2000 and June-02-2001.

5.1.    Air surface Temperature
This module will produced two surface temperature data for each day.  They are global and regional air surface temperature.  The global surface temperature data has 50 x 50 kilometers square resolution and regional surface temperature has 8 x 8 kilometers square resolutions

Chapter 4: Model Design of Weather Monitoring Model (Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risdiyanto

To generate the model we need derived data from NOAA and GMS satellite such as temperature and cloud covering.  Then, by using the equations base on meteorology process to derive other meteorology elements or variable such as water vapor, air pressure, humidity and condensations level. Before implemented the model, they need to validate.  Therefore, it needs the actual and supporting data such as vector map and digital elevation model (DEM).  So, the data will be used to build this system are:
•    NOAA satellite raw data ( Local Area Coverage -LAC)
•    Digital elevation model (DEM) data (scale: 1:1000000)
•    Vector map of global and regional area
All of the data on above will be used in the procedures that simplify such as:
•    Build the mechanistic model
•    Derive the variable and parameter which possible
•    Data inventory
•    Data analysis
•    Build information system

Chapter 3: Review of GIS and RS(Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risdiyanto

The formulations and methods of weather model problem will be continually improved by the accumulations of new information and technology about mechanism underlying atmospheric processes and computer sciences.  The improving technologies that can be used as tools for weather model problem are geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS), numerical techniques and information technology (IT).  (full paper download)

Chapter 2 : Review of Atmosphere Dynamic and Thermodynamic (Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risdiyanto

Many formulations of the problems related to weather predictions have been studied heretofore in dynamic meteorology.  Efforts in the hydrodynamic theory of weather prediction have resulted the series of quite complete and physically meaningful formulations of these problems, and at the present accept as the basis for the development of numerical methods.  The formulations and methods of weather model problem will be continually improved by the accumulations of new information and technology about mechanism underlying atmospheric processes and computer sciences. 

Chapter 1 : Introduction (Application Design Weather Monitoring Model base on Satellite Data (Draft))

by Idung Risidyanto

Weather is temporal state of surface atmosphere and it is one of natural phenomena that influences human activity and environment conditions.  Therefore, we could consider about weather as a natural system with the elements or factor that represent weather conditions.  If we called weather as system, we could build a model as simplification of the weather system.  A model of weather system would be used for understanding of weather phenomena, monitoring and predict the weather condition.
Increasing computer technology and geographical information technology support to build a model for weather prediction.  If we discuss about weather conditions, we should consider about temporal and spatial dimensions.  Therefore, a model of weather system will be done in the four dimensions.  They are three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension.  So, we can build a weather system model by integration numerical modeling and geographic information system that can be used for weather monitoring or prediction and the other hand, the model will be build is simulation model that able for learning or understanding of weather phenomena also predict their conditions in future.
Weather system is closely related to the problem of objective analysis of the fields of meteorology variables, and since the current amount of meteorological data is quite substantial, the processing of these data has proved to be one of primary problems of dynamic meteorology.  Therefore, a weather system model must be considered about atmospheric process, it can be build by mechanistic model and not in statistical model.

Energi Penginderaan Jauh / Sifat Dasar Radiasi

oleh : Idung Risdiyanto

Perpindahan energi dari satu tempat ke tempat lain ataupun dari media yang berbeda dapat digolongkan menjadi tiga proses, yaitu : konduksi yang merupakan perpindahan energi kinetik atom atau molekul (heat) melalui kontak antar molekul dengan kecepatan pindah panasnya ditentukan oleh sifat dari molekul. Perpindahan panas ini tidak menyebabkan perpindahan molekul; konveksi adalah  perpindahan panas melalui perpindahan fisik molekul gas dan liquid (cair) dan radiasi adalah perpindahan panas melalui jarak tertentu tanpa media penghantar. 

Energi penginderaan jauh menggunakan proses radiasi dalam perpindahan energi dari obyek yang diamati dengan sensor satelit.  Berdasarkan sumber energinya, penginderaan jauh membedakan satelit menjadi satelit pasif dan aktif.