by Idung Risdiyanto
To generate the model we need derived data from NOAA and GMS satellite such as temperature and cloud covering. Then, by using the equations base on meteorology process to derive other meteorology elements or variable such as water vapor, air pressure, humidity and condensations level. Before implemented the model, they need to validate. Therefore, it needs the actual and supporting data such as vector map and digital elevation model (DEM). So, the data will be used to build this system are:
• NOAA satellite raw data ( Local Area Coverage -LAC)
• Digital elevation model (DEM) data (scale: 1:1000000)
• Vector map of global and regional area
All of the data on above will be used in the procedures that simplify such as:
• Build the mechanistic model
• Derive the variable and parameter which possible
• Data inventory
• Data analysis
• Build information system
Based data collection and process, we should consider about the sources error which possible. This proposal has derived the source error as possible (Appendix 1).
The approach of model desig of weather monitoring model was divided into five tasks. First task was satellite data capturing and extracting, second task was development of numerical modeling based on dynamic and thermodynamic of atmospheric process, third task was integration of numerical modeling and geographic information system in the spatial model, fourth task was to develop graphical user interface and the fifth task was application of system in the real-world. The method is presented in Figure 3.2.
Otherwise, methodologies of research also do testing system and validation process. Testing system will be doing if all model could covers all system that was build or already establish and then develop the graphical user interface. Validation process will be done if the system was finished including graphical user interface. Actually, this research did not conduct model validation, due to limitation of measured data such as those were by radio-sonde and time constraint.
Generally, these methods have three sub-models that should be created. The first model, is direct extracting data access from satellite data, second model is numerical model for atmospheric process and the last model is spatial model provide by GIS and the result of numerical model. The methods to create each model should be supported by software available (full paper download)